sábado, 6 de enero de 2018

ATOMIUM Structure


The Atomium is built in the shape of an iron (Fe) molecule, it has 102 metres of height. It has nine spheres and six are accessible to the public.   The central tube contains the fastest elevator of the time (5 m/s),the escalators installed in the oblique tubes are among the longest in Europe. To support this weihgt there are six columns below the spheres.

Empire State

The empire state is a skyscraper situated in the fith avenue.
It was the taller building in the World during more than 40 years.(it is 381m tall)
It is one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

It was design by William F. Lamb, in only two weeks. Then the brothers Starrett and Eken started to built it. They started in 1930,  3400 of workers where used to built this building.
They finished in 1931.
The building was inaugurated with Herbet Hoover of president, who make the Empire State the building of the lights.


viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017

A video of the Atomium

 Here i leave you a link for a page where i write activities that you can do in brussels.          

ATOMIUN history

The Atomium was inaugurated in the Mundial fair in 1958. First the Atomium was only temporary open but a lot of people whent to saw it so it stay there. Now it is a museos.                               

                       The atomiun was built with nine spheres that represents the nine provinces of belgium and also to simulate the form of a iron cristal.

The Atomium has become one of the icons of Brussels:  capital of Europe,with which it has a special relationship.(this means that the atomium is a symbol of friendship between Spain and Belgium)

They restored the Atomium in (2006),afterk- that the people start to call it "the most Belgian monument ".